y'all, and still wicked busy. And will be through November. I have three, yes count them, three, programmatic monitoring visits during three subsequent weeks in November. Federal monitors are coming the first week of November for our reading grant program; state monitors for the big pot of federal formula money we get the second week of November and an Office of Civil Rights review for our English as Second Language students the third week of November.
Plus two grant proposals due by mid-November; parent letters for free afterschool tutoring services to be mailed out by October 10th (about 550 letters total-with a letter that runs to four pages due to all the required information); interviews for a new school nurse and oh did I mention I'm second-in-command for our annual three-day statewide conference the fourth week of October? At least it's at the Myrtle, so maybe I can get in a few walks on the beach.
21 hours ago
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