Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Original

iteration of this lovely slice of internets tubes heaven began as a spittle-laced diatribe during the 2004 election campaign. The author soon (okay, it was months later) tired of listening to herself rage against the machine & began posting minutiae about her life, because who doesn't find that kind of stuff endlessly fascinating/scintillating?

But here we are in 2008. A Black American is a candidate for president. As a child of the South, who started school in 1969 in the first integrated class at my elementary school, I've seen the South change tremendously during my lifetime, and in many heartbreaking ways, stay exactly the same. To wit, people my age (46) who still use that word in casual conversation, and who get all flustered and bent out of shape when I call them on it.

If you had asked me a year ago, when Barack Obama's name began surfacing as a truly viable candidate for President, I would have told you he'd be Hillary's VP. That I could and would see a Black Vice President in my lifetime, probably more than one. But even with the changes, with the strides that have been made, I really wasn't sure I'd see a Black candidate with a greater than even chance to become President.

I had a conversation with a fellow yesterday who was stuck on the 'Obama doesn't have the experience to be President' cant. The fact is, noone does. There is no training program, no crystal ball to predict that what previous Presidents have faced will be what the next one will face.

The thing is, when I hear that 'He doesn't have the experience', it's hard not to wonder if what that really translates to is 'Here's my get out of jail free because I'll be damned if I'm voting for a Black for President' card.

Tomorrow: Why the Media is already pissing me off about Republican VP Nominee Sarah Palin.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

College Football Season

begins for me Thursday evening, when my Alma Mater, Charleston Southern, takes on the University of Miami.

You may watch the, game on ESPN360.

One can always hope for an Appalachian State-type surprise. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Beach Trip

is alas, due to that mean ole Miss Fay, now kaput. The $23.oo worth of sunscreen purchased yesterday will be taken back to the drugstore today for a refund.

Oh well. I'll just take a case of Yuengling with me to Georgia* with which to console ourselves for the weekend.

*Le Boyfriend says this lovely brew is not available in Georgia, so I'll do my best Smokey and the Bandit routine & smuggle some across state lines.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Today's productivity?
  • Used up two (two!) Mr. Clean magic erasers cleaning fingerprints off door jambs and marks off baseboards.
  • Ran the brushy attachment thingy on the vacuum along said baseboards
  • Washed five loads of clothes-still need to do the sheets-they're next and the last load
  • Packed my beach bag with my really cool new beach towel, new Sperry Topsider beach flip flops and a couple of good trashy novels
  • Started a side of ribs for today's dinner with a nice little butt rub recipe I came up with on my own; also fixed shrimp fried rice with jasmine rice, green peas, roasted garlic rice vinegar and soy sauce for lunches this week
  • Cleaned out the fridge

Right now I'm taking a little break, and in a bit I'm going to start packing my bag for the beach.

Oh, did I mention I'm headed to Panama City Beach for a little vacation the end of this week? No? Well, I am. Me and Le Boyfriend. Oh my.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

John Edwards is

a. A Bastard

b. Faking for all he's worth being truly remorseful for a middle-aged mistake

c. Mortified to learn he had, in fact, not been where no man had gone before, but in fact, had been where almost every man who got within dick's length of the skank ho had gone before

d. All of the above

Monday, August 11, 2008

Have been

in an Internet-free zone since last Thursday evening when the DSL modem decided after about four years or so of service to do a swan dive.

It was nice but a bit disconcerting to not be able to get online for the weekend. But I survived.

Some topics to look for this week: John Edwards turns out to be as scummy as I'd hoped he wasn't, and, Women are special snowflakes who are incapable of standing up for themselves.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

One Reason Why This Might Work

I spent the weekend before last with Le Boyfriend, to celebrate his birthday. We took his son out with us Friday night for some dinner and to see the minor league team in their town play.

We went to this great local bbq place that's in the town's former bus station. The bbq is pretty good, the spicy sauce is just spicy enough and they don't cook their vegetables to mush.

But this isn't a restaurant review, per se. As we were wrapping up our dinner, the wait staff gathered and started that clapping and singing thing, heading our way to wish someone happy birthday. Turned out it was a happy birthday for the fellow in the booth behind us.

But not before Le Boyfriend gave me a horrified look and said something along the lines of that show better not be for him.

I assured him I wouldn't dream of it, and made it really clear he better not ever dare do it to me.

So there's that in common. Yay!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Voice of Baseball to Me

SAN FRANCISCO -- Suddenly there was no longer reason to use the word devastating when talking about the fact that Tim Hudson won't pitch for another year. The greatest loss during a season hindered by injuries wasn't truly realized until Sunday, when the Braves lost a legend, and more importantly, a dear friend.

It may take days or weeks for the magnitude of the loss to be realized. But the Braves family is certainly already mourning the loss of Skip Caray, who passed away while sleeping in his suburban Atlanta home on Sunday at the age of 68.

"This has been a really horrible year with all of the injuries and stuff," John Smoltz said. "This puts it all in perspective. We have lost one of the greatest figures in the city of Atlanta's history."
Caray began broadcasting Braves games in 1976 and continued to do so until Thursday, when he and Pete Van Wieren called their final game together. A working relationship that spanned 33 seasons and created the opportunity to form a brotherly bond came to a close without any visible reason for them to issue each other a lasting goodbye.

As Caray battled multiple ailments that affected his heart, liver and kidneys over the last year, Van Wieren had made multiple trips to the hospital and seen his buddy in much worse shape than he had been earlier this week.

Even when Caray was unable to broadcast this past weekend's series against the Brewers, there didn't seem to be reason to worry. Numerous times over the past year, he had always battled back and regained the ability to enjoy his love for baseball and the Braves.

"I'm absolutely shocked," Van Wieren said. "I thought he was doing a lot better. I thought he had more energy this week and seemed more like his old self. It's like losing a family member."
After the Braves claimed their 5-0 win over the Brewers at Turner Field on Sunday afternoon, Van Wieren boarded the team's charter flight bound for San Francisco and had every reason to believe he'd see Caray when the team returned home next week to begin its next homestand.
But 40,000 feet above some of the same homes within which he and Caray had served as national voices for the Braves on TBS, Van Wieren learned of his friend's sudden passing.
After an e-mail message alerted the Braves, manager Bobby Cox woke a sleeping Van Wieren and provided him this shocking news that brought mourning to the entire Braves family.
"I know my jaw just dropped," Van Wieren said. "I lost a good friend and broadcast partner and that is tough for me personally. But anybody affiliated with the Braves who listened to him or knew him over the last 33 years lost something, too. He was as important to the Braves as any player, manager, coach or executive. There's no way to replace him."

When the Braves begin a three-game series in San Francisco on Monday, Van Wieren plans to call the game with a heavy heart. It won't matter that Caray's health had restricted him to only doing home games this year.

Although he wasn't scheduled to make this trip, Caray's absence will be realized.

"Tomorrow, a baseball game will be played by a lot of young men with heavy hearts," Smoltz said.

For the first time since they were joined on a broadcast team that included their mentor Ernie Johnson Sr., Van Wieren will deliver a broadcast knowing that he'll never have the opportunity to work alongside Caray again.

Those days of sharing dinner and drinks after games had been replaced with the exchange of tales about their grandchildren. Through it all, they developed an incredible sense of respect and admiration for each other.

"We had a lot of fun," Van Wieren said. "It was never like going to work."

"This has been a really horrible year with all of the injuries and stuff. This puts it all in perspective. We have lost one of the greatest figures in the city of Atlanta's history."
-- John Smoltz

Whenever Caray came to work, he carried his dry wit and ability to mix humor with sarcasm. During those days following a bad loss, he often preceded Cox's pregame radio segment with a sarcastic comment that regularly caused the veteran skipper to smile.

"This was completely unexpected and is a complete loss," Cox said. "I had just spoken with Skip this week when we did the radio show and I didn't know he wasn't feeling well. He seemed in his normal good spirits.

"We've all lost a very good friend. For me, he was a good buddy -- at the park and away from the park. We always had a lot of great laughs. He will be very sorely missed."

When Smoltz was first introduced to Caray in 1988, the Braves were the laughing stock of the National League. Over the next 20 years, the laughs these two shared together instead often had to do with Smoltz's hitting abilities, or just one of the jokes they had reserved for each other.

"Back in our lean years, when we weren't very good, he was able to entertain with sarcasm," Smoltz said. "Then, when we turned things around and starting winning every year, he made the transition and had the opportunity to make the greatest call in Atlanta Braves history."

Caray was behind the microphone the night that Sid Bream slid home with the winning run in the 1992 National League Championship Series, and the night that Andruw Jones drew a walk that sent the Braves to the 1999 World Series.

But the one Smoltz was referencing was the one that preceded the eruption the city of Atlanta realized when the Braves won the 1995 World Series.

"It was just fitting that he got to do that because he meant so much to this organization," Smoltz said.

Caray's call that night was:
"Fly ball, deep center field, Grissom's on the run ... Yes! Yes! Yes! The Atlanta Braves have given you a championship. Listen to this crowd. A mob scene is on the field. Wohlers gets them, 1-2-3."

Mark Wohlers' perfect ninth inning that night preserved the one-hit gem that Tom Glavine produced in eight innings against the Indians. Whenever Glavine listens to that call, the 300-game winner will draw memories of a grand night and hear the unmistakable voice of a true friend.

While he was with the Mets the past five years, Glavine regularly received e-mails from Caray, and he continued to get more when he rejoined the Braves this year. The words always included a sense of sincerity.

"I knew he cared about what I was doing and what was going on," Glavine said. "He was always good to me. It's a shame. We all lost a friend today."

Braves right fielder Jeff Francoeur grew up in suburban Atlanta and has known Caray's voice for a good portion of his 24 years on this Earth. Since coming to the Majors in 2005, he came to realize this familiar voice was produced by a man with a big heart.

Last week, Caray approached Francoeur and told him that he was happy to see that he was smiling and laughing again amid the struggles of an offensively frustrating season. The conversation then turned to Caray's health, and never once was there an indication that the end was near.

"He told me, 'I'm hanging in there,'" Francoeur said. "He loved the Braves and he loved his job. He wasn't ever going to let anybody or anything tell him he couldn't do his job anymore."

Mark Bowman is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

I can hear his voice, the sheer joy as he called the play at the plate in '92, Sid Bream running like he had a piano on his back and sliding into home: 'Braves win, Braves win, Braves win!'

Saturday, August 2, 2008


The dishes are washed and the errands around town are taken care of. There's some homemade guacomole chilling in the fridge, Office Space is playing on the dvr, and I'm sipping a decent little Barefoot Pinot Grigio.

Once Office Space finishes, there's a stack of summer reading here next to me to crack into, and the Braves (who are looking mighty woeful these days) are on tap later this afternoon.

All in all, a delightful, lazy day. Goodness knows, we all need one on occasion.

Stay cool, y'all.