Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Dollar Store

Isn't it the coolest place ever?

Today's haul? A copy of the Mike Wallace book Between You and Me, and Bruce Campbell's If Chins Could Kill. Plus a tube of lavendar-infused lotion and a two-pack of rain ponchos for me and the boyfriend in preparation for attending a Braves game in ATL next week.

And all of that for less than five bucks! America's a great place. I'm just sayin'.


poopie said...

I adore the dollar store. I get antsy if I've missed more than a few days since the last trip :)

Jennifer said...

When I was in Kentucky last weekend, I passed a new strip mall that contained a Dollar General, a Dollar Store, a Big Lots and a liquor store. It was absolutely packed to the gills.

JohnInGa said...

So, do you hit the liquor store before or after the Dollar stores?

Phyllis S said...

Before. The liquor decreases your inhibitions, therefore assisting you in determining that, yes, you do need five packs of sponge rollers--they are only a dollar apiece after all.

100 Thoughts of Love said...

A liquor and a dollar lucky people!!!!!