Had a conversation yesterday with some friends who are all smart, capable folks, and they were on the 'outraged' bandwagon concerning this remark that Obama made about Sarah Palin. But that he really didn't. It wasn't directed at her, and anyone who's seen the clip in context knows that.
And I gently explained and corrected them, that he was not talking about her. I could tell they were not convinced. So I went on to say: "And so what if he was? Bitch is playing with the big boys now, and national politics is mean and nasty. What is she, a special snowflake that has to be protected and petted? If that's enough to hurt her little feelings, she either needs to grow a thicker skin or get out of the game.
Got a few open-jawed stares, but no responses.
21 hours ago
this john stewart clip is great...
dick morris and nancy pfotenhauer talk smack about hillary not being woman enough to to handle junk talk, but when it happened to sarah, it's a whole different story. and I kinda wish he had been talking about her...pig wearing lipstick. yep.
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