Friday, July 27, 2007
Commercial Guys I'm Totally Crushing On
2) The Holiday Inn guys--I'm such a sucker for dorks.
3) The fellows who gather together to jump in unison to help the the other fellow get that laast drop of A1 Steak Sauce from the bottle-a totally guy thing to do.
4) Of course, Mr. Priceline himself, Shatner original version.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
While I learned & re-learned plenty, there's one thing the instructor* covered that was worth the price of admission.
Ever been confused about when to use who/whom?:
Who = he; Whom = him.
*Turns out the instructor's husband passed away about two weeks before mine did. I think she's still having a tough time of it. I gave her my email** address. I hope she uses it.
**By the way, either email or Email is correct & it no longer takes a hyphen. You're welcome.
Monday, July 23, 2007
The week
I need to go in today and Thursday (and likely a few hours Friday) to work on a grant proposal that's due on the 30th; I'm off to a workshop tomorrow to refresh my grammar & proofreading skills & have a technical assistance meeting on Wednesday.
I see it as a blessing. If I'm off doing this, then I have a legitimate reason to avoid the housework*. Not that I can't create what I consider to be legitimate reasons anyway--'Ooh, I need to finish this book; Hey, there's a baseball game tonight. You get the picture.
*Although I was right productive with it this weekend: cleaned out two kitchen drawers, switched out the bed linens, scrubbed down the shower and washed the shower curtain & put up a new liner.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Internet Dating
Just sayin'.
Monday, July 16, 2007
It is
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A Heckuva
Friday, July 6, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Reading List

I'm on the fence about this one. On the one hand, it's incredibly well written. Moehringer has a wonderful way with words and vividly evokes a sense of place and the characters in it when he discusses Publicans, the bar and its patrons he says taught him how to be a man.
But there's this undercurrent of...glossing over that reminds me, and not in a good way, of James Frey's Million Little Pieces*. This feeling comes on in two places in particular in the book; early on, when he introduces us to two fellows who run a bookstore and take him under their wing, thus almost magically ensuring his entrance into Yale and later, when he reconnects with his dad, long absent from Moehringer's life. There's a particularly uncomfortable passage where Moehringer, knowing full well his dad is a raging alcoholic, almost pours the liquor down the man's throat because they're getting along so well and he doesn't want it to end.
*Which was so obviously fake I gave it a violent throw into the 'books that are dead to me' corner, which also includes 'The English Patient' and 'The Hours'.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Dinner on the 4th
I'm home from Daniel Island, appeased Mrs. VanAstorButt (aka the kittie) with a can of Fancy Feast and now I'm piled up on my sofa contemplating an afternoon nap.
Later today I'll probably roam about two blocks over to the sports complex for the town's annual 4th celebration. There'll be some pickin' & singin', boiled peanuts, a concert by The Tams and a jim-crack dandy fireworks show to top it all off.
Y'all stay cool and give thanks and offer up a prayer for the members of our volunteer military serving across the globe.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The plan
The burgers will save until tomorrow.
The birthday party yesterday was exactly perfect; the grown-ups sat by the pool and watched all the fearless 'tweens leap off the diving board; we chowed down on hot dogs, chips and a scrumptious birthday pound cake and the little lady we were honoring zonked out during the present-opening. I did the same as soon as I got home and hit my couch.
Best time I've had in I can't say when.